Monday, May 13, 2019

The Islamic World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Islamic World - Essay Exampler having a loss attraction but he notes that it should be some unitary who is given foretell help and majesty flowing from God since it is God who chooses one member of the human race (Mulk, Pg. 1) to lead others.Considering the opinion of those who claimed to be part of the relationship of Muhammad, Tabari reports that Abbas said that, the kin of Gods Messenger (Tabari, Pg. 1) are best suited to lead Muslims. The clan of the prophet is thusly supposed to give leaders to the Muslim world. On the other hand, figures such as Al-Husayn have been account to suggest that leaders who cause strife and differences between groups of people are undesirable (Tabari 2). Most importantly, it seems that there is a common thread between all the sources that power must be given to the person who has it, it cannot be taken by force.This gives a sort of democratic tint to the manner in which the leader of the Muslim world is supposed to be selected. The selecti on may come from a source which is divine or the groups of selectees may be limited to the clan of the prophet but it is not a handle by which someone can usurp power. Even the first leader after Muhammad was willing to bring that he should be chastised if he were to stray from the right path. In essence, the first leader can be credited for creating a leadership position that is not unquestionable. Additionally, all sources consider the leader to have both a political and a religious role as the leader of all Muslims. Even though the followers have to give obedience to the leader, they can fight against him if they consider his actions to be against God or Gods messenger.From the sources as well as the information given about what a leader should be and where the leader should come from, it seems that the early Muslim society was certainly traumatic and in turmoil. Muhammad died without a clearly named successor and this creates a situation where every individual can give a indi vidualised criteria for what a leader should be as

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